Adolf Cluss in History and Science
The Adolf Cluss Project has stimulated further investigations into his life and work.
By the end of the 1980's, biographical research was confined to Cluss's importance in the early communist movement - like the first monograph by Welta Pospelowa (Adolf Cluß - ein Mitglied des Bundes der Kommunisten und Kampfgefährte von Marx und Engels, Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch 3, 1980). The editions 4 to 7 of the correspondence between Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the Marx-Engels-Annual published the most letters of and to Cluss.
Since the beginning of the cooperation between the project partner in Heilbronn and Washington D.C., further works are noted. They resulted in several publications, a symposium on life and works of Adolf Cluss in Fall 2004 in Washington DC. A second symposium about the Turner movement took place in Heilbronn in Fall 2005.
Adolf-Cluss-Symposium Washington 2004
Adolf-Cluss-Symposium Heilbronn 2005